Governor Arati asked to release bursary funds promptly

Kisii County Governor Simba Arati.

The Kisii county government has been urged to release funds meant for education bursaries to ensure children from poor backgrounds stay in school.

County MCAs led by Boochi Tendere Ward MCA James Ondari asked Governor Simba Arati to confirm bursary allocations for this financial year promptly as many students were being sent home over fee arrears.

“We would like the governor to shed light on this matter so that we know what to say to parents who really need these funds,” said Ondari.

Boochi Tendere ward MCA James Ondari.

They appreciated Arati for starting the Simba Arati Scholarship Fund to help bright but needy students but also demanded to know the fate of Ward Education Fund for respective wards.

The MCAs also expressed displeasure at the governor for appointing other people to distribute cheques from his scholarship initiative instead of liaising with them.

“Some of us were surprised that instead of the governor using us, the elected leaders, he appoints his personal coordinators who mostly dish out the funds to their relatives,” claimed another MCA.

However, MCAs of Ibeno and Gesusu wards, Steve Arika and Anthony Gekone respectively, defended Arati regarding the issuance of the scholarships.


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Arika said that the governor had the right to issue the scholarships in any way he deemed fit provided they served the purpose they were meant for.

Earlier, Governor Arati had asked the MCAs to channel their queries to the county director of communications and other relevant house committees.

He further asked the county legislators to avoid politicizing development matters so as not to hinder progress the county had made so far.

By Enock Okong’o

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