The issue of delayed capitation in schools is becoming increasingly problematic, causing significant disruptions in educational systems worldwide. Capitation, the funding allocated per student to schools, is essential for maintaining operational stability and ensuring that educational institutions can provide quality education. When these funds are delayed, the repercussions are felt deeply by both learners and teachers.
For students, delayed capitation often translates into a lack of essential resources. Textbooks, laboratory supplies, and other learning materials become scarce, impeding the learning process. Co-curricular activities and programmes that enhance educational experiences are often the first to be cut.
This not only affects academic performance but also hinders the development of vital life skills. Furthermore, students from low-income families, who rely heavily on the resources provided by schools, are disproportionately affected, exacerbating educational inequalities.
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Teachers, on the other hand, face their own set of challenges. Delays in funding often mean delays in receiving salaries, which can demoralise and demotivate even the most dedicated educators. This financial uncertainty can lead to increased stress, affecting their teaching performance and, consequently, student outcomes. Additionally, teachers might have to use their own limited resources to procure necessary teaching materials, further straining their finances.
The broader impact of delayed capitation also extends to school infrastructure. Maintenance and development projects are stalled, resulting in deteriorating learning environments. This can lead to unsafe conditions, further detracting from the overall educational experience.
Addressing the issue of delayed capitation requires urgent attention from policymakers. Streamlining the funding process, ensuring timely disbursements, and establishing contingency plans are critical steps in mitigating these adverse effects. Only through proactive measures can we ensure that both learners and teachers are supported, enabling them to thrive in a conducive educational environment.
By Tonny Kyule
Tony is a student at Rongo University
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