Government has kicked off deployment of 2, 000 Technical, Vocational Education and Training institutions (TVETs) trainers to serve in various institutions across the country.
While speaking during the marking of 100 years of existence of TVETS on Monday, May 6 at Uasin Gishu County headquarters, the North Rift TVETs Regional Director Mickel Rugut said that the recruitment of trainers is expected to address increasing enrolment in TVETs.
He acknowledged President William Ruto as the mastermind behind the surge in increased enrolment through spirited campaigns when he was a Minister for Education.
“The success that we are witnessing of high enrolment of learners in TVETS was started way back by our President when he was the Minister for Education, and now that he is President, the department has recorded substantive development hence the need for more trainers and skill development assessors,” he said.
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The Public Service Commission (PSC) had announced 2000 job vacancies for vocational and technical trainers through a public notice dated early March this year.
In the notice, the government revealed that it intended to recruit qualified 1,313 degree/higher diploma and 687 diploma holders who will be distributed across 227 vocational and technical training institutions around the country.
Kakamega County will receive the highest allocation of trainers at 101, Nairobi (96), Bungoma (88), Meru (86) and Uasin Gishu 83.
Some of the counties that will get the least number of trainers are Mandera and Tana River with each receiving 17 trainers, Samburu and Marsabit (16 each), Wajir (15), West Pokot (9), and Lamu and Isiolo five each.
In 2023 the PSC also recruited 1,300 trainers after advertising the positions on March 28, 2023.
By Vostine Ratemo
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