Former KESSHA boss donates learning materials in Vihiga

Former KESSHA Chair Kahi Indimuli handing over learning materials.

Immediate former National Chairperson of the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Kahi Indimuli has donated PP1, CBC and secondary school learning materials to Saniaga Community Library and Vihiga Boys High school.

Indimuli said that the initiative was a way of him giving back to society.

He also noted that the CBC curriculum is enhancing competence among learners across the country and expressed optimism that it will transform the education system.

“CBC has all it takes to ensure our education system churns out competent professionals,” he said.

“My visit to Vihiga High School brought back the 2002-2009 memories when I used to head the institution as Principal and I hope the books will go a long way in assisting the boys,” he added.

Indimuli has vast experience in school administration having served as the Principal at Vihiga Boys High school, Chavakali Boys High school and Machakos Boys High school.

By Godfrey Wamalwa

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