Form three student dies after being denied treatment by religious parents

School girl dies after being denied treatment

A form three student at Turima Hills Day Secondary School in Tharaka Constituency succumbed to measles at home on Saturday morning after being denied treatment.

It is reported that Makena Mukundi’s parents who are “Kobonokia” sect followers, insisted on praying for her in line with the sect doctrine instead of taking her to hospital.

According to the religious sect medical treatment is considered satanic.

Mukundi Nkware, the girl’s father, said his children have not been vaccinated, have never been to the hospital since birth, have never been on any medication, and that whenever they fell ill he prayed and they recovered.

Members of the sect believe that God is the only healer and that it is sinful to seek treatment from fellow human beings or even to take the dead to the mortuary.

When the local administration and police officers from Marimanti police station visited the family home in Makithi village, Karocho location another five children, four boys and a girl, were found sleeping, waiting for divine intervention despite their deteriorating condition.

The five were taken to Marimanti Level Four Hospital where they are admitted while their Father was arrested and taken to Marimanti Police Station for questioning.

Daniel Kinyua, a village elder, revealed that the children contracted the disease from their aunt, a second-year university student who is also a Kabonokia believer.

The aunt, who has since recovered, returned home from university after falling ill so that she could be prayed for.

Unlike Mukundi, who has educated his children, most Kabonokia believers do not send their children to school, claiming that some of the teachings in school are against the Bible.

By Thuita Jaswant

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