First ever JSS lab in West Pokot officially opened by MP

Sigor MP Peter Lochakapong.

The first ever Junior Secondary School (JSS) laboratory in West Pokot has been officially opened at Marich Pass Comprehensive School, a huge achievement for the county.

Speaking during the launch, Sigor MP Peter Lochakapong said the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is a robust system that demands attitudinal, skill and manipulative change.

The MP stressed the importance of channelling funds to JSS for the construction of laboratories since it is an innovation platform.


Secondary schools urged to share laboratories with neighbouring JSS

Laboratories assist learners by training them to develop the novel scientific thinking and attitude in schools,” he said, arguing that it is through these facilities that a teacher is able to have a closer contact with the learners and is therefore able to help them out of their difficulties.

He asked learners to take advantage of laboratories and be more open to the teachers and other learners to improve their practical knowledge.

Science laboratory at Marich Pass Comprehensive School.

He added that the achievements of modern science are mainly due to the application of experimental methods in science to make life easier than ever.

By our reporter

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