According to research being done every semester, students at campuses, colleges and TVETs suffer physically, emotionally, economically and mostly mentally.
Many students go for days without food for several reasons, and parents think they are comfortable but behind the curtains things are different. Parents should make sure that they call or talk to their children daily to know their conditions since some may be stressed by life, so they need advices and motivation.
Parents should take the responsibility of providing the girlchild with all the necessary things to avoid getting into unhealthy relationships mainly for material gain. If they’re not taken care of, they may also get pregnant, which will ruin their lives.
While providing for them, they also need to be encourage to be satisfied with what they have. The male students also need parental support since they might also be stressed up with life.
If not provided by parents or guardians, they might turn to be drug dealers, thieves and robbers. Parents or guardians should perform their responsibilities accordingly.
Stephen Obop Rongo university
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