Needy boy walks 25Km to school armed with faith and admission letter

The boy who walked for over 25Kms to the school he was called to. His name is Joseph Owino.

A bright needy boy who scored 338 marks in last year’s KCPE walked over 25Km from Musikoma in Kanduyi to Ndivisi Boys High in Webuye East, where he had been admitted.

Joseph owino, dressed in his primary school uniform and armed with only the admission letter, said he took the step after realizing that the time for Form One admission was running out and there was no hope for fees.

The admission letter was all Owino had to gain admission to the school.

Wearing a tattered pair of sandals, owino said his mother had tried to seek help from well-wishers in vain.

Ndivisi Boys High School Principal Martin Wachiye admitted the boy and urged well-wishers to come to his aid.

By Godfrey Wamalwa

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