Demand for technical skills has shot up exponentially, MP says

Kuresoi North MP Alfred Mutai has said the demand for technical skills is rising exponentially as the government moves with speed to meet that demand by equipping institutions.

He said government bursaries have enabled youth from poor families to join and graduate with technical skills.

“I encouraged youth in this constituency to enroll in TVETS and capitalize on many opportunities availed by the government and other reputable agencies and make significant difference in their communities,” he said while delivering a 67-seater bus to Total Technical Training College in Kuresoi North.


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Accompanying him was Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot who urged young people to acquire relevant skills to enable them fit in the demanding job market.

He said the government is keen to equip technical institutions as sustainable development will only be acquired when skilled youth enter the job market.

By William Sawe

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