Educational Research Methods: A Functional Approach, is an academic book I have enjoyed reading at the tail-end of 2024. It is by Prof Laban P. Ayiro — the Vice Chancellor of Daystar University. I highly recommend the book to scholars that yearn to learn educational research methods. For it explores statistical tools used to analyse and interpret data.
Largely, it is a text book for students, academics and researchers, who are undertaking, or engaged in the application of educational research. Sedulous students and scholars can make wise use of it by exploring functional facets of research. The audience of the 285-page book with 12 carefully-crafted chapters include undergraduates and graduate students. For the putative author offers good guidance, with clear theoretical foundations, research evidence and recent references.
As a scribe, I describe the text as a core-course book, presenting good ideas and posing quality questions for researchers. In the tome, the pious professor delves deep onto oodles of methods used in research. He sheds bright light on the context of educational research, research design, methodologies for educational research, methods of data collection, data analysis and reporting.
Then, focusing on the content of the book, research is the orderly investigation of an issue with the purpose of adding to knowledge and provision of possible interventions for desirable solutions. It is ‘re-search’ when the subject matter is already known, but needs to be studied, again. ‘Research’ means investigating a new phenomenon with a defined motive. Research is a way of knowing the world, and what happens in it.
Then, research satiates streak of curiosity in philosophers — lovers of knowledge. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches are rooted on in philosophical traditions with different epistemological and ontological assumptions. The term ‘epistemology’ has its etymological root on the Greek word episteme, meaning knowledge. Aptly put, epistemology is the philosophy of knowledge or how we come to know.
The most important objectives of research drive scholars to dig deep to discover answers to questions through deft deployment of scientific procedures. Main aim of research is to unearth the hidden truth. Research informs action, moves a theory and contributes to developing knowledge in a certain field of study. Research is a tool for building knowledge by addressing glaring gaps.
Broadly, there are different types of educational research. Such as basic or pure, applied, evaluation, post facto, explanatory, descriptive, comparative and model-testing research. Writing research proposal is the central plank of academic work. There are six stages in research process, which include: One, identification of the research problem. Two, review of the related literature. Three, research purpose. Four, data collection. Five, data analysis and interpretation. And six, report writing.
In research, population is the total number of people living in a defined geographical entity or area. Researchers frequently draw a sample from the population they are interested in studying. There is data collection: the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes.
Juxtaposing research methodology with research methods. Research methodology is the primary principle guiding good research. While research methods are tools researchers use to gather data. There are qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. There is also mixed methods, where both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies are used.
In social science research, this phenomenon is known as triangulation. Research design is a framework or structure to be followed in conducting research. The master-plan for research activities, which the researcher intends to use to carry out full investigation of the problem of interest.
Ipso facto, no meaningful research can be conducted without thorough literature review, which is the systematic study of existing publications relevant to the research work. It is reading and assessing available published materials related to the problem of investigation. It entails consultation with colleagues, lecturers, supervisors, experts, library and internet. Theses and dissertations contain the same sections outlined in the structure of a research, and elaborated upon in writing abstracts to the discussion section.
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Somehow, when literature review is part of a larger work, it comprises about 20 per cent of that piece of work. It may only be a few paragraphs in a shorter length article or consist of a chapter in most dissertations. Literature reviews can be published as standard articles, but the most common types of literature reviews are the ones found at the onset of an empirical article.
When it comes to citations, academic work, conform to a certain style like American Psychological Association (APA). Albeit, individual publishers, journals and magazines, also typically adopt in-house style. The bibliography bit at the end, must also be captured appropriately.
Likewise, there is preparation of research reports. Writing abstracts discusses the overall structure and order in which materials are typically presented in research reports. An abstract is an important summary of a research report. Mostly, people purpose to pore over abstracts more than they do to full papers. The decision to read the report abut on the combination of the title and abstract.
In that regard, the abstract should concisely present the important characteristics of the academic work. It should also exhibit excellent research writing. Most journals often require relatively short abstracts, frequently limiting the word count to no more than 250. But the maximum word count for abstracts used in term papers, theses and dissertations may vary.
Finally, there are ethical issues one has to adhere to while conducting research. The Institution Review Board (IRB) applies research ethics by reviewing methods proposed for research to ensure that they are ethical. The body is also known as Independent Ethics Committee (IEC), Ethical Review Board (ERB) or Research Ethics Board (REB). Such boards are formally designated to approve or reject, monitor and review behavioural research involving human subjects by conducting some form of risk-benefit analysis in attempt to ascertain whether or not the research should be done.
By Victor Ochieng’
The reviewer is an avid reader, writer and editor. 0704420232
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