650 students under scholarship attend mentorship workshop in Kilifi

Scholarship workshop
Past beneficiaries of the Wings to Fly scholarships in a photo sesion with sponsors and area education stakeholders. /File Photo

650 secondary school students from Tana River, Kilifi and Lamu counties have assembled at St. Thomas Kilifi Secondary School for a three-day mentorship program.

According to Tana River County CECM for education Abass Kunyo, the students were multi-faced beneficiaries of Equity Banks Wings to Fly, the Ministry of Education’s Elimu Scholarship, and the German government.

“The students will engage in an intensive three-day leadership, mentorship, and governance at the school level,” said the CECM.

Delighted by the mentorship program by the stakeholders, Kunyo said, it will run down and melt a trickle down into the economics of education, not only to the students, classmates, and schoolmates but down to the various communities in the villages they come from.

This trickle-down effect Kunyo says boils down to the general welfare of the people in many aspects including healthcare.

Kunyo added that when these chaps eventually get jobs their salaries end up not only to themselves but also members of the society in giving back to their various communities.

“And since Tana River County suffers 54% of poverty, with a very low literacy rate these students who have done exemplary well and earned entry into good schools serve as role models to the community,”  The CECM said

By Amoto Ndiewo 

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