19 employees of Migori County quit over fake academic certificates

Some 19 out of the 93 Migori County Government employees with fake academic certificates have resigned from their respective positions.

County secretary Dr Oscar Olima said he received the resignation letters from them as they have opted to leave the service rather than wait for the county administration and other relevant bodies to take action.

He said other 25 out of the 93 workers who are either having fake primary and secondary certificates have written to the county public service board requesting an opportunity to give their side of the story revealing that the board has given them an opportunity to defend themselves before taking the next course of action.


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However, the secretary revealed that the there is no witch hunt in the exercise as the action has been informed by the audit report compiled by the Human Resource Audit Institute back in 2023 and the staff headcount report done by the county government to ensure that there is accountability.

He said the fake primary and secondary school certificates were confirmed by the Kenya National Examination Council that went through the academic papers for over 2700 county employees and as a result the affected employees has since been removed from the payroll.

There has been cases of county government employees from different counties acquiring work with rogue certificates with counties like Machakos having 121workers out of 5, 018 workers with fake certificates as confirmed by the  County Secretary Dr Muya Ndambuki.

Consequently, Nyamira County Governor Amos Nyaribo expunged 79 employees with forged academic and professional certificates from the payroll last month.

By Vostine Ratemo

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